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The Journey and the Origin of

AutoEConnect Limited

In the year 2020, on 4th October it all just started with

a simple thought of having a common online learning platform about AUTOSAR concepts for all

Automotive Enthusiasts....

AutoEConnect Sessions

"AutoEConnect Sessions"

We took our first step by hosting weekend Autosar Learning sessions on the WebEx platform. As the demand for our online learning sessions increased, we began recording and uploading them to YouTube, leading to the creation of our channel "AutoEConnect Sessions", which currently has around 3.2K active subscribers and continues to grow.

"AutoEConnect Limited"

We moved forward in this great journey of contributing to the better quality of automotive software by providing expert professionals to the Industry and offering top-notch training opportunities for beginners and automotive enthusiasts.


"AutoEConnect" has officially registered as a Limited company in the UK, now known as AutoEConnect Limited, as of June 27, 2023.


As an Automotive and IT service organization, we proudly provide customised software solutions, trainings, expert resources, and support to large, medium, and startup companies in the UK at competitive prices.

AutoEConnect Limited


AutoEConnect Limited

Tel. +44-750 819 6789


 1 Parker Close, Rugby
Warwickshire, United Kingdom

CV21 1NY


Social Media Links
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • YouTube

TELLUS Suggestions & Feedbacks help us stay motivated and to do better. We would love to hear from you.

AutoEConnect Limited: For collaborations or enquiries on our services, please connect with us using the form below.


Thanks for contacting us. We will get back to you shortly!


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